This post is a bit of an exception (or maybe the start of a new genre) for this blog. While my usual content is strictly limited to presenting facts, this article is more of an op-ed presenting my personal take on “AI1 assisted” coding. Technically speaking, the expression “artificial intelligence”...
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Testing tips for junior developers
Or how to save me from repeating the same comments in code reviews
Software testing is a fundamental aspect of any serious engineering effort, but at the same time it is such a young discipline. Importance of testing has been known in the industry for decades from a theoretical point of view, yet it took it a very long time to catch up...
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Vim and Neovim configuration overhaul
A major rework after several years
I spent several hours over the past week testing Neovim features and plugins to
update my vim and Neovim configuration, in
what became a major overhaul. This post is a concise summary of changes with
their rationale and directions.
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Short recap of my history as a vim and Neovim user
My (Neo)vim journey so far
When writing a post about my recent (Neo)vim configuration overhaul, I wanted to start with an overview of how my (Neo)vim usage evolved in time and how it reached the point it stands at now. This overview ended up being a fairly lengthy write-up, which I therefore decided to publish...
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How I sped up an e-book
Making an unreasonably slow EPUB usable
This post is a short recap of a funny situation where I had to deal with a seemingly innocent-looking e-book that ended up being unreadable on my e-reader. The solution turned out to be relatively simple, but I have not found references to any similar problem on the web, therefore...
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CI for a collaborative LaTeX setup
Automated LaTeX workflow, the git way
LaTeX is a vital component of my work, and usually it is my go-to tool whenever I need to typeset any non-trivial document. TeX is a de facto standard tool for scientific typesetting, and in technical fields most publications, books, and reports are usually composed with it, most often using...
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Migration to Jekyll Scholar and GitHub Actions
New bibliography management and build system for the website
Note (2024-08-31): This post was written in February 2020. Support for
building and deploying Jekyll sites on GitHub pages has been streamlined in the
meantime and can now be performed with stock actions. See
jekyll-build-pages and
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Image registration guided by zero-average volume changes
Building a mean volume anatomic atlas

In Uppsala I spent several months investigating the generation of displacement fields with known volume changes, and I even implemented a software suite for the purpose. This might seem an odd topic to pick as working subject, so it is worth a bit of clarification about its purpose and applications....
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Useful command line tools
Improved workflow on the shell

This post is meant to be a brief introduction to some productivity tools that can make a command line workflow smoother and more efficient. While well known, standard tools with similar function already exist (e.g. bash, grep, find, etc.), the tools presented hereafter have a handy user interface with sensible...
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Landmark-based groupwise registration with SGD and B-splines
Implementing a simple extension to Elastix
Currently, I work mostly on image registration algorithms, and I devoted quite some time looking into groupwise registration techniques. In its essence, groupwise registration is a process that aligns multiple images, mapping them to a common reference space, without having to explicitly define such reference space (e.g. without manually selecting...
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