Software testing is a fundamental aspect of any serious engineering effort, but at the same time it is such a young discipline. Importance of testing has been known in the industry for decades from a theoretical point of view, yet it took it a very long time to catch up in practice and become an integral part of development cycles. To get some perspective, even major software companies started embracing pervasive automated testing policies only in the mid 2000s [1].
Besides the young age of the discipline, testing competence is also penalized by being rarely taught within education programs. The average computer science (or adjacent) graduate has probably never used a test framework in their education, and more importantly has never learned the importance of testing, let alone its principles, caveats, and tricks of the trade. When such young professional figures join the industry, they are obviously put at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, a lot of progress has happened in the industry, especially in the last twenty years, and there is hope that higher education will catch up with it.
The aim of this post is not to be a treaty on software testing, as many good essays are already published and more extensive and informative coverage on the subject can be readily found elsewhere. It is instead meant as a collection of tips and comments I often found myself repeating in code reviews, with the hope that they can be useful to the more junior readers to avoid repeating the same pitfalls. As such, it is a fairly unstructured collection, and presence (or absence) of topics or their order of presentation has no intended relation with their relative importance. Only some topics are covered in this post, and more topics might follow in future posts.
Test behaviour, not implementation
This is one of the most basic rules of testing. Yet I often see this basic principle being violated in various ways, such as by mirroring non-public behaviour in the test code (i.e. writing tests based on knowledge of the implementation that is not supposed to be part of its public API), misusing mocks to manipulate internals of the implementation, befriending the production code with the test fixture to access non public members from the test cases,1 and the likes.
Tests should not be tied to implementation details, for at least two main reasons.
Firstly, reflecting the implementation in the tests injects a strong bias towards the behaviour of the implementation itself, which might differ from the expected behaviour. If the implementation is defective, the same bugs might be reflected in the tests and remain undetected.
In an ideal world, tests would be implemented by different people other the ones that work on the feature implementation, and would be written independently than the feature itself, i.e. without looking at its implementation (possibly even before the feature itself is implemented). Not many companies can afford this in practice from a logistical standpoint though, and also having the same developer work on both feature and corresponding tests usually speeds up the writing process.
Another reason is that tests coupled with implementation details are fragile, and they can break when the implementation changes, even if the interface and behaviour are unchanged. This creates additional maintenance cost, and at the same time it slows development down.
Good tests should fail when the behaviour of the feature does not meet expectations, and they are expected to break if behaviour is changed or if the interface to the tested feature is changed. However, tests that break due to internal changes that should be transparent to the user are expensive and annoying to deal with, and are a symptom of bad test design.
Write atomic test cases
Atomicity is one of the most important properties of good test cases. Each test case should be limited to one behavioural aspect of one unit, on one input datum.
The following is not good:
TEST(MyClass, Test)
MyClass object{};
ASSERT_EQ(, Foo{0.0});
ASSERT_EQ(, Foo{1.0});
ASSERT_EQ(, Bar{});
Mixing up different aspect (or even different units) in the same test case makes tests more complex than necessary, which makes them more error-prone, increasing the cost due to bugs, and also harder to read and modify (i.e. more expensive to maintain). It also makes test reports less granular: when a Frankenstein test covering many behaviours fails, it is not obviously clear which aspects of the software are broken and which ones are not.
Even just testing different data points in the same test case poses a risk. Re-using the same scope, as opposed to test each data point in a clean fixture, increases the risk of bugs or mistakes in the test due to objects being in a state that is different than intended (after being modified by previous operations). This can easily hide bugs.
The following is better:
class MyClassTest : public ::testing::Test
MyClass _object{};
class MyClassTestFoo : public MyClassTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<double>
TEST_P(MyClassTestFoo, GetFoo)
ASSERT_EQ(, Foo{GetParam()});
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(MyClassTestFoo, MyClassTestFoo, ::testing::Values(0.0, 1.0));
TEST_F(MyClassTest, GetBar)
ASSERT_EQ(, Bar{});
Now we have different tests for each method, and for each data point when testing the same method multiple times. In this small example it might look like an overkill, but in my experience it is not. Even in simpler cases, the benefits easily outweight the need to write a few more lines of code, and the structure easily and better scales when adding more test cases is unavoidably needed.
Whenever I stumble upon tests written without respecting atomicity, I find bugs in them more often than not.
Write for readability
Readability of tests is one of the most important aspects, yet it is one of the most easily underrated by test authors. When it comes to test cases, readability has two faces: readability of the test script, and readability of its output. This section argues over the former.
Most software projects these days lack written requirements (and often also, unfortunately, they lack proper documentation), in which case test scripts often double their role as documentation for the intended behaviour of the product. For this reason, it is very important to make it clear what behaviour is being tested and why.2
Way too many times I had to deal with test cases composed of excessively lengthy and unstructured blobs of code, where it was not even clear what was under test to begin with. For example, let assume we are testing an odometer, and I get to review a test case written like this:
TEST_F(Odometer, TestOdometry)
double x{};
double y{};
double z{};
double vx{0.7};
double vy{0.5};
double vz{};
double elapsed{};
double const t{0.02}
// do some acceleration
while (elapsed < 1.0)
double const ax{0.5};
double const ay{};
double const az{0.1};
x += vx * t + 0.5 * ax * t * t;
y += vy * t + 0.5 * ay * t * t;
z += vz * t + 0.5 * az * t * t;
vx += ax * t;
vy += ay * t;
vz += az * t;
elapsed += t;
_odometer.step(Input{mps(vx), mps(vy), mps(vz)});
ASSERT_EQ(_odometer.state().position.x().meters().value(), 0.95);
ASSERT_EQ(_odometer.state().position.y().meters().value(), 0.5);
ASSERT_EQ(_odometer.state().position.z().meters().value(), 0.05);
// do some coasting
while (elapsed < 2.0)
x += vx * t;
y += vy * t;
z += vz * t;
elapsed += t;
_odometer.step(Input{mps(vx), mps(vy), mps(vz)});
ASSERT_EQ(_odometer.state().position.x().meters().value(), 2.15);
ASSERT_EQ(_odometer.state().position.y().meters().value(), 1.0);
ASSERT_EQ(_odometer.state().position.z().meters().value(), 0.15);
This is hard to follow and easy to get wrong.3 In my opinion, this test is way longer and more complex than it should be acceptable. Yet in practice it is not uncommon to see test code that is significantly worse than this.
Besides the obvious downside of creating an unnecessary spike in maintenance cost, such kind of test is very dangerous because, when something goes wrong, it becomes hard to understand whether the issue lies within the product or within the test itself.
I warmly recommend following a handful rules to write readable tests:
- Make your names as descriptive as possible. Often test frameworks use two levels of naming (fixture and test cases), in which case you typically want the fixture to describe what unit (class, method, or function) is being tested, and the test case to concisely but clearly describe what behavioural aspect it covers (you will normally have many test cases for each unit).
- Keep the size of test cases small, in the ballpark of a dozen statements or so. That sounds like a very small number and you might think it is too strict. Well, in my experience it is not. Any piece of non-trivial logic (i.e. more than a handful statements) in the initialization or verification parts should be moved into self-contained, clearly written, and well-named auxiliary classes or functions.
- Use a good pattern to create a clear separation across initialization logic, action under test,4 and verification of the results. The Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) pattern is usually a good one to follow as a rule of thumb.
If I had to have a stab at this myself, it would probably look more like this:
TEST_F(OdometerTest, FinalPositionWhenAcceleratingAndThenCoasting)
// Arrange
auto const input_generator = InputGenerator(2.0_s, 50.0_hz)
.setInitialVelocity(Velocity{0.7_mps, 0.5_mps, 0.0_mps}))
.magnitude(XYZ{0.5_mps2, 0.0_mps2, 0.1_mps2}))
auto const odometer = OdometerFactory{_resource_pool}.makeStaticOdometer(input_generator.frequency());
// Act
while (auto const input = input_generator())
auto status = odometer.step(*input);
ASSERT_EQ(status, Odometer::Status::Ok); // Coherence check
// Assert
auto const& state = odometer.getState();
EXPECT_THAT(state.position.x(), IsApprox(2.15_m));
EXPECT_THAT(state.position.y(), IsApprox(1.0_m));
EXPECT_THAT(state.position.z(), IsApprox(0.15_m));
I defined generators and builders for the various test inputs, custom matchers for robust numerical testing, and created three distinct sections for the AAA pattern. I limit the assertions to one scenario (see the section about atomicity above), different scenarios should get their own self-contained test case.
Out of context this might look like an overkill. But consider that, in order to properly test your odometer, this test alone is not enough and dozens more of similar tests (at best) will be needed. That is where having good abstract test machinery suddenly gives a lot of value.5
Write for readability (of the test output)
The importance of producing clear and easy to troubleshoot test output sounds obvious, yet in my experience it is so often missed by test authors.
Take the following as an (oversimplified) example:
void assertResult(double const result, double const input)
auto const expected = computeExpected(input);
EXPECT_EQ(result, expected);
TEST(MyFunction, Test)
assertResult(myFunction(1.0), 1.0);
assertResult(myFunction(2.0), 2.0);
assertResult(myFunction(3.0), 3.0);
for (int x{5}, x < 10; ++x)
This test case has some obvious maintainability issues in the implementation of the test script itself (see the sections about atomicity and readability above), but it will also fail to produce understandable test output.
The catch is that the EXPECT_EQ
macro is wrapped by the assertResult()
function, which is called multiple times. Therefore, EXPECT_EQ
will print
to the test output information only related to its position inside
, and if a failure happens, it will not be clear which call of
caused it.
Some people will argue that this is not a problem, as all you need to troubleshoot a problem is to fire up a debugger and run the test under it. That is to me symptom of a problematic mindset, and debuggers are not the right tool for this. A debugger is an incredibly powerful and useful tool, but in most cases it is an overkill. Needing to run a debugger to understand a test failure is not just a waste of time that could be avoided by writing good tests, but it is also not always feasible (some tests might be running in some remote and inaccessible environment that cannot be reproduced locally).
The proper solution is to use the right tools offered by your test framework (such as fixtures, parametrizations, etc.) to write atomic and self-contained tests that always provide complete tracing information.
If you need to put assertions in loops, or other scopes that might hide
traceability, use proper tracing tools to ensure that information is present.
Specifically to GTest, SCOPED_TRACE
is always a handy tool, but don’t forget
that it is possible to add tracing information by applying operator<<
to the
value expanded by the various assert/expect macros.
TEST(MyClass, Test)
// ...
for (int i{}; i < 10; ++i)
SCOPED_TRACE("i = " + ::testing::PrintToString(i));
EXPECT_EQ(...) << "Extra info here";
Learn to understand coverage
Code coverage is both a good tool and a useless metric. It is a good tool in the sense that it helps spotting parts of the program that are not being tested. It is a useless metric because having a piece of code being covered does not mean that the behaviour of that piece of code is being tested, it merely means it is being executed in a test suite. This makes high coverage necessary, but not sufficient.
Sadly, I personally had to work in multiple occasions on projects where developers where adding functionally useless tests solely for the purpose of boosting coverage values, while the tests themselves were not verifying any functional behaviour.
When testing your product, reason more in terms of covering the expected behaviour, rather than covering lines or branches. If you have requirements for it, they can be a useful input for this.
Pay attention to your changes. Did you make a change that altered existing behaviour but required no updates to your tests? Then there is a good chance that such part of your product is not actually being tested, no matter what your coverage metrics say.
Use good oracles
When working with functional programming,6 coming up with the right test oracles is one of the best ways to make your tests simpler, stronger, and easier to maintain.
A test oracle is an entity that provides the expected results for a given set of inputs, which can then be compared with the tested program output to verify its correctness.
Consider a function \(f\) that maps values from domain \(A\) to domain \(B\)
\[\begin{align*} f(x): ~ &A \to B \\ &x \mapsto y \end{align*}\]One of the easiest ways to test such function is to use an oracle \(g\) implementing the same mapping
\[\begin{align*} g(x): ~ &A \to B \\ &x \mapsto y \end{align*}\]and test that \(f(x) = g(x)\).
If you already have some other function at hand that implements the same mapping (and that can you trust), then you have an easy solution at hand.7 If not, you might be able to implement your own oracle.
As a general rule, it is better to avoid mirroring the implementation of your feature in your oracle. Way too many times I had to comment in code reviews, pointing out how people were copypasting their feature code into a test file straight away. Besides obvious issues with duplication that hinder maintainability, such habit makes it very likely that any defects and bugs in your feature code will also be present in your oracle, therefore hiding them from the tests. It also mirrors the complexity of your feature in your test code, which is undesirable, as test code should strive to be as simple as possible.
Try instead using a different method or algorithm to implement the test oracle. Test code has generally less constraints compared to production, and that includes runtime performance, therefore you might be able to use a simpler algorithm as a test oracle to compare against (that maybe is too slow to be used in production).8 Using a simpler algorithm also means your test code will be simple, which is itself a win by itself.
If possible, however, I find the best approach is to use an inverse oracle. In this case, instead of directly testing \(f(x) = g(x)\), the oracle implements the inverse of \(f\)
\[\begin{align*} g(y): ~ &B \to A \\ &y \mapsto x \end{align*}\]and the test verifies that \(g(f(x)) = x\).
When you are implementing the oracle yourself, this is a strong testing approach as it makes it easier to write oracles that are independent from the tested feature code. It is not always applicable however, because not all functions are invertible, and some invertible functions might actually be very hard to invert in practice.
Pay attention to speed
Speed of tests is an important but often neglected aspect. The primary reason is that slow tests simply do not scale. One might naïvely think that having a test case taking one second is not a big deal. Now picture in your head a thousand test cases taking one second, and suddenly your unit test suite takes half an hour to run. And a thousand test cases is a very small number, it is barely enough to cover a very small (if not toy-sized) project.
You want to be able to work with a fast edit-build-test loop locally, so slow tests would directly affect your own tight local development loop, and on top of that they would slow down (to an even larger extent) your remote execution and CI pipelines. A good introduction to the subject is provided by Michael Feathers in its well-known Working effectively with legacy code [2].
You want to be able to run at least several hundred test cases in a fraction of a second, which means that, as a rule of thumb, the runtime of your individual unit tests should be in the ballpark of milliseconds. Avoid remote resources (that are also a liability when it comes to robustness, which will be discussed separately) and avoid using the file system.
Sometimes, slower tests (possibly involving complex or slow resources) are necessary. Keep in mind that such kind of tests should be a dedicated tool for specific scenarios (e.g. integration testing), it should not be the norm for unit tests. If possible, separate your expensive tests from regular unit tests (e.g. using tags that can be filtered upon, running them in dedicated pipelines, etc.).9
- A. Bender, “Testing overview,” in Software engineering at Google: Lessons learned from programming over time, O’Reilly Media, 2020.
- M. Feathers, Working effectively with legacy code. Prentice Hall Professional, 2004.
This one sounds flat-out crazy to me, yet I have seen it several times in the wild, and I had to review such kind of test code myself. ↩
Answering the “why” is important. As for the “how”, that should not be redundantly spelled out in comments, and should be self-evident by well-written code. But explanation of the “why” should not be left to the implementation, and should be made clear by the author. This ensures that the intended behaviour is understandable even in the unavoidable cases when the test script itself contains mistakes (or otherwise, said mistakes would be implicitly promoted as “intended behaviour”). ↩
Honestly I would not be surprised if something in it was actually wrong. This is not a real example, it is just something I concocted on the spot as an illustrative example, without even testing it. Which further reinforces the point I am trying to make. ↩
Which should be only one, see section above about atomicity of test cases. ↩
Additionally, I do not pass around dimensional values in
variables, too easy to get them mixed up. The type system is our friend, and strong typing prevents possible issues. Here user-defined literals are used, but it is only one of many possible ways of doing this. ↩ -
Which you should if possible, because functional programming allows to avoid many footguns that come with stateful program entities, making your programs easier to reason about and less error-prone. Note that functional programming is a paradigm and it has nothing to do with the choice of language (albeit some languages make it easier to do functional programming with them). ↩
You might be wondering why you need to implement your own feature then, and not just use the oracle in production. There might be a multitude of different reasons:
- The oracle is too slow to meet performance requirements in production.
- The oracle does not fulfill some requirements, related to safety, licensing, etc.
- The oracle lacks some aspects that you need in production. For
instance, assume you are working on a C++14 project and you need a
sort function. You cannot usestd::sort
is notconstexpr
before C++17), but you can test the output of your implementation against the output ofstd::sort
Though you should be careful to stay within reasonable bounds, and make sure you set acceptable goals. Otherwise, your test and integration routine and machinery will get slow, negatively affecting productivity as a whole. ↩
Software engineering at Google provides an example of how tests can be classified into different “sizes” and handled with different criteria and rules based on that [1]. ↩