Source code for disptools.measure

import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import math
import functools
from typing import *
from disptools import *
import disptools.drawing as drawing
import disptools.displacements as dsp

import _disptools

    import itk
except ImportError as e:
    print("Warning: cannot import 'itk' module. " +
          "Some functionalities depending upon it may be unavailable.")

[docs]def reject_outliers(data: np.ndarray, k: float = 2.5, absolute=True) -> np.ndarray: r""" Reject outliers from an array, based on the median deviation (MD). Reject as outliers all values whose deviation from the median is higher than :math:`k \cdot MD`. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Array of values. k : float Number of MDs for outlier rejection. absolute : bool If True, use absolute deviations. Returns ------- np.ndarray An array with the outliers removed. """ dev = data - np.median(data) if absolute: dev = np.abs(dev) md = np.median(dev) return data[(dev / md if md else 0.0) < k]
[docs]def cubicity(image: sitk.Image) -> float: r""" Measure the cubicity of an object. The cubicity is defined [4]_ as the ratio between the volume of the object and the volume of its bounding cube. A cube has cubicity equal to 1, a sphere has cubicity pi/6, and in general non-cubic objects have cubicity strictly lesser than 1. Here the bounding cube is estimated as the cube whose side is equal to the longest side of the oriented bounding box of the object. References ---------- .. [4] O'Flannery, LJ and O'Mahony, MM, "Precise shape grading of coarse aggregate". Magazine of Concrete Research 51.5 (1999), pp. 319-324. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input binary (sitkUInt8) image. Returns ------- float A floating point value of cubicity in the interval [0, 1]. """ if image.GetPixelID() != sitk.sitkUInt8: raise Exception('Unsupported %s pixel type' % image.GetPixelIDTypeAsString()) # NOTE: the size of the bounding box is already in image space # units, while the volume (number of voxels) needs to be multiplied # by the voxel size dv = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, image.GetSpacing(), 1.0) try: lssif = sitk.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter() lssif.ComputeOrientedBoundingBoxOn() lssif.Execute(image) (s1, s2, s3) = lssif.GetOrientedBoundingBoxSize(1) volume = lssif.GetNumberOfPixels(1) * dv except AttributeError: # Use ITK as a fallback if the method is not available in # SimpleITK if 'itk' not in sys.modules: raise Exception('sitk_to_itk: itk module is required to use this feature.') itk_image = drawing.sitk_to_itk(image) li2slmf = itk.LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter.IUC3LM3.New(itk_image) li2slmf.ComputeOrientedBoundingBoxOn() statistics = li2slmf()[0][1] # FIXME GetOrientedBoundingBoxSize() seems to be broken # (s1, s2, s3) = statistics.GetOrientedBoundingBoxSize() # (s1, s2, s3) = statistics.GetBoundingBox().GetSize() # FIXME GetBoundingBox is in voxels, GetOrientedBoundingBox is # in image size instead, so multiply by the spacing when using # GetBoundingBox (s1, s2, s3) = [x * s for x, s in zip([s1, s2, s3], image.GetSpacing())] volume = statistics.GetNumberOfPixels() * dv return volume / (max(s1, s2, s3) ** 3)
[docs]def sphericity(image: sitk.Image) -> float: r""" Measure the sphericity of a object. The sphericity is defined [5]_ [6]_ as the ratio between the surface of a sphere with the same volume of the object and the surface of the object itself. .. math:: \frac{\pi^{\frac{1}{3}}(6V)^{\frac{2}{3}}}{A} A sphere has sphericity equal to 1, non-spherical objects have sphericity strictly lesser than 1. References ---------- .. [5] Wadell, Hakon. "Volume, shape, and roundness of quartz particles." The Journal of Geology 43.3 (1935): 250-280. .. [6] Lehmann, Gaëthan. "Label object representation and manipulation with ITK" Insight Journal, July-December 2007 Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input binary (sitkUInt8) image. Returns ------- float A floating point value of sphericity in the interval [0, 1]. """ if image.GetPixelID() != sitk.sitkUInt8: raise Exception('Unsupported %s pixel type' % image.GetPixelIDTypeAsString()) lssif = sitk.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter() lssif.Execute(image) return lssif.GetRoundness(1)
[docs]def average_jacobian_error(jacobian: sitk.Image, mask: sitk.Image = None) -> float: r""" Compute the average error between the input Jacobian and a constant unit Jacobian map. The average Jacobian error is defined as :math:`\frac{1}{|mask|} \sum_{x \in mask} (J(x) - 1)` Parameters ---------- jacobian : sitk.Image Input Jacobian map. mask : sitk.Image Optional binary mask, to compute the error only on a ROI. Returns ------- float The average Jacobian error. """ jac = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(jacobian) msc = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask) if mask is not None else np.ones(jac.shape) idx = msc > 0.5 return np.sum(np.abs(jac[idx] - 1.0)) / np.sum(idx)
[docs]def minkowski_compactness(image: sitk.Image, norm: Union[int,str] = 1.0) -> float: r""" Compute the Minkovski compactness of a binary image. Minkowski compactness of an object is defined as the ratio between the volume of the object and the volume of a p-ball centred on the object's centre of mass, maximised agaist spatial rotations of the ball. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input binary image. norm : Union[int,str] Order of the Minkowski norm ('inf' or 'max' to use the Chebyshev norm). Returns ------- float Value of the Minkowski norm. """ if image.GetPixelID() != sitk.sitkUInt8: raise Exception('Unsupported %s pixel type' % image.GetPixelIDTypeAsString()) if norm == 'inf' or norm == 'max': descriptor = 'cubeness' elif norm == 1.0: descriptor = 'octahedroness' else: raise Exception('Unsupported value %s for the norm parameter' % str(norm)) lssif = sitk.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter() lssif.Execute(image) a = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image) > 0 return _disptools.shape_descriptor(a, lssif.GetCentroid(1), image.GetSpacing(), descriptor)
[docs]def isovolumteric_radius(image: sitk.Image, norm: Union[int, str]) -> float: r""" Compute the radius of a ball isovolumetric to the input object Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input binary image. norm : Union[int,str] Order of the Minkowski norm ('inf' or 'max' to use the Chebyshev norm). Returns ------- float Value of the isovolumetric radius. """ volume = np.sum(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image)) if norm == 2: return math.pow(3.0 / (4.0 * np.pi) * volume, 1.0 / 3.0) elif norm == 1: return math.pow(3.0 / 4.0 * volume, 1.0 / 3.0) elif norm == 'inf' or norm == 'max': return math.pow(1.0 / 8.0 * volume, 1.0 / 3.0) else: raise Exception('Unsupported norm %s' % str(norm))
[docs]def fitting_index( image : sitk.Image, norm : Union[int, str] = 2.0, centre : Tuple[float, float, float] = None, radius : float = None, padding : bool = True ) -> float: r""" Compute the fitting index of an input object. The fitting index of order `p` is defined as the Jaccard coefficient computed between the input object and a p-ball centred in the object's centre of mass. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input binary image of the object. norm : Union[int,str] Order of the Minkowski norm ('inf' or 'max' to use the Chebyshev norm). centre : Tuple[float, float, float] Forces the p-ball to be centred in a specific point. radius : float Force the radius of the p-ball. padding : bool If `True`, add enough padding to be sure that the ball will entirely fit within the volume. Returns ------- float Value of the fitting index. """ if image.GetPixelID() != sitk.sitkUInt8: raise Exception('Unsupported %s pixel type' % image.GetPixelIDTypeAsString()) if centre is None: # Use the centroid as centre lssif = sitk.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter() lssif.Execute(image) centre = lssif.GetCentroid(1) if padding: # Add some padding to be sure that an isovolumetric 1-ball can fit # within the same volume of a sphere touching the boundary pad = tuple([x // 4 for x in image.GetSize()]) image = sitk.ConstantPad(image, pad, pad, 0) image.SetOrigin((0,0,0)) centre = tuple([x + y for x, y in zip(centre, pad)]) if radius is None: radius = isovolumteric_radius(image, norm) size = image.GetSize() sphere = drawing.create_sphere(radius, size=size, centre=centre, norm=norm) > 0 return jaccard(image, sphere)
[docs]def centre_of_mass(image: sitk.Image) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute the centre of mass of the image. A real-valued image represents the distribution of mass, and its centre of mass is defined as :math:`\frac{1}{\sum_p I(p)} \sum_p p I(p)`. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input image. Returns ------- np.ndarray World coordinates (x, y, z) of the centre of mass. """ data = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image) grid = np.meshgrid(*[range(i) for i in data.shape], indexing='ij') grid = np.vstack([a.flatten() for a in grid]).T cm = np.average(grid, axis=0, weights=data.flatten()) return np.multiply(np.flip(cm, axis=0), image.GetSpacing()) - image.GetOrigin()
[docs]def mutual_information( image1 : sitk.Image, image2 : sitk.Image, mask : sitk.Image, bins : int = 256, sigma : float = 0.0, window : Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]] = None, normalised : bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute the mutual information of two images. The mutual information of two random variables :math:`X \sim p_X(x)` and :math:`Y \sim p_Y(y)` with joint probability distribution :math:`p_{XY}(x, y)` is defined as .. math:: MI(X, Y) = \iint p_{XY}(x, y) \log \frac{p_{XY}(x, y)}{p_X(x) p_Y(y)} dx dy Mutual information is estimated by approximating the joint probability density with a joint histogram for the intensity of the two images. Parameters ---------- image1 : sitk.Image Input image. Must have the same size of `image2`. image2 : sitk.Image Input image. Must have the same size of `image1`. mask : sitk.Image Binary image masking a region of interest. bins : Union[int, List[int, int], np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] Number of bins for the marginal intensity histograms: + If `int`, use the same number of bins for both images. + If `List[int, int]`, use two different bis sizes for the two images. + If `np.ndarray`, specity the same bin edges for the two images. + If `List[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]`, specity different bin edges for the two images. sigma : float Standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing of the joint histogram. If zero, no smoothing is used. window : Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]] Intensity window for the two images, in the form `[[min1, max1], [min2, max2]]`. If not `None`, then values outside the provided window are considered outliers and excluded from the computation. normalised : bool If `True`, compute the normalised mutual information as :math:`NMI(X, Y) = \frac{MI(X, Y)}{\sqrt{H(X) H(Y)}}`. Returns ------- float An estimation of the mutual information for the two images. """ data1 = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image1).flatten() data2 = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image2).flatten() if mask is not None: idx = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask).flatten() > 0.0 data1 = data1[idx] data2 = data2[idx] joint, _, _ = np.histogram2d(data1, data2, bins=bins, range=window) joint = ndimage.gaussian_filter(joint, sigma, mode='constant') joint = joint / float(np.sum(joint)) fx = np.sum(joint, axis=1) fy = np.sum(joint, axis=0) fxfy = fx[:, None] * fy[None, :] idx = joint > 0 mi = np.sum(joint[idx] * np.log(joint[idx] / fxfy[idx])) if normalised: mi /= np.sqrt(np.sum(fx * np.log(fx)) * np.sum(fy * np.log(fy))) return float(mi)
[docs]def entropy( image : sitk.Image, mask : sitk.Image = None, bins : int = 256, sigma : float = 0.0, window : Tuple[float, float] = None, ) -> float: r""" Compute the entropy of an image. The information entropy of a random variables :math:`X \sim p_X(x)` is defined as .. math:: H(X) = \int p_{X}(x) \log p_X(x) dx Entropy is estimated by approximating the probability density with an intensity histogram. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input image. mask : sitk.Image Binary image masking a region of interest. bins : int Number of bins for the intensity histogram. sigma : float Standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing of the histogram histogram. If zero, no smoothing is used. window : Tuple[float, float] Intensity window. If not `None`, then values outside the provided window are considered outliers and excluded from the computation. Returns ------- float An estimation of the information entropy of the image. """ data = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image).flatten() if mask is not None: idx = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask).flatten() > 0.0 data = data[idx] hist, _ = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, range=window) hist = ndimage.gaussian_filter(hist, sigma, mode='constant') hist = hist / float(np.sum(hist)) idx = hist > 0 return -float(np.sum(hist[idx] * np.log(hist[idx])))
[docs]def volume_change( jacobian : sitk.Image, mask : sitk.Image = None, average : bool = False, squared : bool = False ) -> float: r""" Compute the volume change associated to a Jacobian map. The total volume change associated to an invertible transform :math:`f` over a ROI :math:`\Omega` is defined as .. math:: TVC(J) = \int_{p \in \Omega} |VC[f](x)| d\Omega while the average absolute volume change is defined as .. math:: AVC(J) = \frac{1}{|\Omega|} \int_{p \in \Omega} |VC[f](x)| d\Omega where the volume change is defined as .. math:: VC[f](x) = \begin{cases} 1 - \frac{1}{J[f](x)} \quad &J[f](x) \in (0,1) \\ J[f](x) - 1 \quad &J[f](x) \ge 1 \end{cases} with :math:`J[f]` representing the Jacobian of :math:`f`. Parameters ---------- jacobian : sitk.Image Jacobian map of the transform. mask : sitk.Image Binary image masking a region of interest. average : bool If ``true`` return the average and standard deviation, otherwise return the total. squared : bool If ``true`` return the total or average of the squared volume change. Returns ------- float The total volume change. """ vc = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(dsp.jacobian_to_volume_change(jacobian)) if mask: idx = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask) > 0 vc = vc[idx] if squared: vc = vc ** 2 if average: avc = reject_outliers(np.abs(vc)) return np.mean(avc), np.std(avc) else: return np.sum(np.abs(vc))
[docs]def jaccard( image1 : sitk.Image, image2 : sitk.Image, ) -> float: r""" Compute the Jaccard coefficient of two binary images. The Jaccard coefficient is defined as the measure of the intersection over the measure of the union: .. math:: J(I_1, I_2) = \frac{|I_1 \bigcap I_2|}{|I_1 \bigcup I_2|} Parameters ---------- image1 : sitk.Image First input binary image. image2 : sitk.Image First input binary image. Returns ------- float Value of the Jaccard coefficient. """ data1 = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image1) > 0 data2 = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image2) > 0 union = np.logical_or(data1, data2) intersection = np.logical_and(data1, data2) return np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)
[docs]def f( image1 : sitk.Image, image2 : sitk.Image, ) -> float: r""" Compute the F measure of two binary images. The F measure is defined as the harmonic mean of precision and recall: .. math:: F(I_1, I_2) = \frac{2 \text{tp}}{2\text{tp} + \text{fp} + \text{fn}} It is equivalent to the Sørensen-Dice coefficient, defined as two times the measure of the intersection over the sum of the measures of the two inputs: .. math:: J(I_1, I_2) = \frac{2 |I_1 \bigcap I_2|}{|I_1| + |I_2|} Parameters ---------- image1 : sitk.Image First input binary image. image2 : sitk.Image First input binary image. Returns ------- float Value of the F measure. """ data1 = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image1) > 0 data2 = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image2) > 0 intersection = np.logical_and(data1, data2) return 2 * np.sum(intersection) / (np.sum(data1) + np.sum(data2))