Source code for disptools.drawing

import sys
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import math
from typing import *
from disptools import *

    import itk
except ImportError as e:
    print("Warning: cannot import 'itk' module. " +
          "Some functionalities depending upon it may be unavailable.")

    import skimage.color
except ImportError as e:
    print("Warning: cannot import 'skimage' module. " +
          "Some functionalities depending upon it may be unavailable.")

[docs]def scale_image( image : sitk.Image, new_size : Tuple[int, ...], interpolator : int = sitk.sitkLinear ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Scale an image in a grid of given size. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image An input image. new_size : Tuple[int, ...] A tuple of integers expressing the new size. interpolator : int A SimpleITK interpolator enum value. Returns ------- sitk.Image Resized image. """ if type(image) is not sitk.SimpleITK.Image: raise Exception("unsupported image object type") if type(new_size) != type((1,1)): raise Exception("new_size must be a tuple of integers") size = image.GetSize() if len(new_size) != len(size): raise Exception("new_size must match the image dimensionality") spacing = [] for s, x, nx in zip(image.GetSpacing(), size, new_size): spacing.append(s * x/nx) resampler = sitk.ResampleImageFilter() resampler.SetSize(new_size) resampler.SetOutputSpacing(tuple(spacing)) resampler.SetOutputOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) resampler.SetOutputDirection(image.GetDirection()) resampler.SetInterpolator(interpolator) # Anti-aliasing image = sitk.SmoothingRecursiveGaussian(image, 2.0) return resampler.Execute(image)
[docs]def polar_conversion( norm : Union[int, str], centre : Tuple[float, float, float], radius : float, x : float, y : float, z : float ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: r""" Convert Cartesian to normalised spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- norm : Union[int, str] Minkovski norm ('max' or 'inf' for the Chebyshev norm). centre : Tuple[float, float, float] Coordinates of the centre. radius : float Radius of the ball. x : float Cartesian coordinate. y : float Cartesian coordinate. z : float Cartesian coordinate. Returns ------- Tuple[int, int, int] A tuple (rho, theta, phi) of spherical coordinates with rho normalised w.r.t. the radius of the sphere. """ metric = 'chebyshev' if norm in ['max', 'inf'] else 'minkowski' args = {'p': float(norm)} if norm not in ['max', 'inf'] else {} centre = np.array(centre).reshape((1, 3)) shape = x.shape data = np.column_stack((x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten())) rho = distance.cdist(data, centre, metric, **args).reshape(shape) xn = x - centre[0,0] yn = y - centre[0,1] zn = z - centre[0,2] theta = np.where(rho > 0.0, np.arccos(np.divide(zn, rho, out=np.zeros(rho.shape), where=(rho > 0.0))), 0.0) phi = np.arctan2(yn, xn) rho = rho / radius # normalise rho to [0,1] return rho, theta, phi
[docs]def create_sphere( radius : float, size : Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, centre : Tuple[float, float, float] = None, fg_val : float = 1.0, bg_val : float = 0.0, norm : Union[int, str] = 2, sigma : float = 0.0, neighbourhood : int = 3, value_function : Callable[[float, float, float], float] = None, points_file : str = '' ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Create a volume image containing a spherical object. Parameters ---------- radius : float Radius of the ball. size : Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] Size of the volume image. centre : Tuple[float, float, float] Centre of the sphere. fg_val : float Value in the foreground, i.e. inside the ball; for variable values, see value_function. bg_val : float Value in the background, i.e. outside the ball. norm : Union[int, str] Minkovski norm used to define the metric ('inf' or 'max' to use the Chebyshev norm). sigma : float Sigma parameter for a Gaussian smoothing of the result. neighbourhood : int Neighbourhood size for a Gaussian smoothing of the result. value_function : Callable[[float, float, float], float] Function that associate an intensity to each point within the ball; it takes three arguments (normalised spherical coordinates of the point) and returns a scalar intensity; the input is in vector form, and operations within this function should be vectorised (e.g. using numpy functions). points_file : str Name of the file used to store a set of reference points associated to the ball (empty string means to not store the reference points). Returns ------- sitk.Image A volume image containing a ball. """ if size is None: size = 2 * radius + 3 if type(size) is not tuple: shape = (size, size, size) else: shape = tuple(reversed(size)) if centre is None: centre = tuple([x // 2 for x in shape]) def function(z, y, x): rho, theta, phi = polar_conversion(norm, centre, radius, x, y, z) if value_function is None: return np.where(rho <= 1.0, fg_val, bg_val) else: return np.where(rho <= 1.0, value_function(rho, theta, phi), bg_val) a = np.fromfunction(function, shape).astype(np_float_type) sphere = sitk.GetImageFromArray(a) if sigma > 0.0: sphere = sitk.DiscreteGaussian(sphere, sigma, neighbourhood) if points_file != '': def within(point: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> bool: r""" Check whether a point is within the volume. """ point_x = point[0] >= 0.0 and point[0] < shape[2] point_y = point[1] >= 0.0 and point[1] < shape[1] point_z = point[2] >= 0.0 and point[2] < shape[0] return point_x and point_y and point_z with open(points_file, 'w') as f: c = np.array(centre) x = np.array([1,0,0]) y = np.array([0,1,0]) z = np.array([0,0,1]) r = radius points = [ c, c + r*x, c + 0.5 * r*x, c - r*x, c - 0.5 * r*x, c + r*y, c + 0.5 * r*y, c - r*y, c - 0.5 * r*y, c + r*z, c + 0.5 * r*z, c - r*z, c - 0.5 * r*z, c + 0.5 * r*x + 0.5 * r*y, c - 0.5 * r*x + 0.5 * r*y, c + 0.5 * r*x - 0.5 * r*y, c - 0.5 * r*x - 0.5 * r*y, c + 0.5 * r*x + 0.5 * r*z, c - 0.5 * r*x + 0.5 * r*z, c + 0.5 * r*x - 0.5 * r*z, c - 0.5 * r*x - 0.5 * r*z, c + 0.5 * r*y + 0.5 * r*z, c - 0.5 * r*y + 0.5 * r*z, c + 0.5 * r*y - 0.5 * r*z, c - 0.5 * r*y - 0.5 * r*z, ] points = [p for p in points if within(p)] f.write('point\n%d\n' % len(points)) for x, y, z in points: f.write('%f\t%f\t%f\n' % (x, y, z)) return sphere
[docs]def mask( image : sitk.Image, mask : sitk.Image, jacobian : bool = False ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Mask an image (special meaning for Jacobian maps). Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input image to be masked (possibly float). mask : sitk.Image Mask (possibly float). jacobian : bool If true, the background after masking is set to one, if false to zero. Returns ------- sitk.Image The masked image. """ if jacobian: background = np.logical_not(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask)).astype(np_float_type) background = sitk.GetImageFromArray(background) background = sitk.Cast(background, image.GetPixelID()) background.CopyInformation(image) cast_mask = sitk.Cast(mask, image.GetPixelID()) cast_mask.CopyInformation(image) result = sitk.Multiply(image, cast_mask) result = sitk.Add(result, background) else: cast_mask = sitk.Cast(mask, image.GetPixelID()) cast_mask.CopyInformation(image) result = sitk.Multiply(image, cast_mask) return result
[docs]def float_dilate(image: sitk.Image, dilate: int) -> sitk.Image: r""" Dilate a float valued image. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Image to be dilated. dilate : int Radius of the structuring element. Returns ------- sitk.Image Dilated image. """ if type(dilate) is not int or dilate < 1: raise Exception('float_dilate: invalid dilation value') original_type = image.GetPixelID() image = sitk.Cast(image, sitk.sitkUInt8) image = sitk.BinaryDilate(image, dilate) image = sitk.Cast(image, original_type) return image
[docs]def sitk_to_itk(image: sitk.Image) -> Any: r""" Function to convert an image object from SimpleITK to ITK. .. note:: Data is copied to the new object (deep copy). Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input image. Returns ------- any Image in ITK format. """ if 'itk' not in sys.modules: raise Exception('sitk_to_itk: itk module is required to use this feature.') a = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image) if len(a.shape) < 4: result = itk.GetImageFromArray(a) else: # NOTE: This workaround is implemented this way since it # seems that itk.GetImageFromArray() is not working properly # with vector images. region = itk.ImageRegion[3]() region.SetSize(image.GetSize()) region.SetIndex((0, 0, 0)) PixelType = itk.Vector[itk_float_type, 3] ImageType = itk.Image[PixelType, 3] # Create new image result = ImageType.New() result.SetRegions(region) result.Allocate() result.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) # Copy image data b = itk.GetArrayViewFromImage(result) b[:] = a[:] result.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) result.SetOrigin(image.GetOrigin()) return result
[docs]def sin_vector_field(n: int) -> sitk.Image: r""" Generate an example of continuous vector field. Parameters ---------- n : int Size of the volume image. Returns ------- sitk.Image A vector-valued volume image containing a continuous vector field. """ x = np.linspace(0, 0.5, n) xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, x, x) data = np.empty((n, n, n, 3), dtype=np_float_type) data[:,:,:,0] = np.sin(xx**2 + yy**2 + zz**2) data[:,:,:,1] = data[:,:,:,0] data[:,:,:,2] = data[:,:,:,0] return sitk.GetImageFromArray(data)
[docs]def extract_slice( image : sitk.Image, index : int = None, axis : int = 2, rescale : bool = False, colormap : Union[int, np.ndarray] = sitk.ScalarToRGBColormapImageFilter.Grey, hsv_interpolation : bool = False, window : Tuple[float, float] = None ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Extract a slice. This function takes care of resampling the image on a uniform grid with unit spacing, that can be exported to format that do not support anisotropic voxel spacing. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input image. index : int Integer index of the slice to extract. axis : int Integer index of the axis orthogonal to the slice plane. rescale : bool If True, do min-max rescaling of the image intensity to [0,255]. colormap : Union[int, np.ndarray] One of the colormaps defined in sitk.ScalarToRGBColormapImageFilter, or an $n \times 4$ array of node colours for a custom colour map, where the first column gives an intensity value and the other three the RGB components in the range $[0,1]$ for the node colours to be interpolated. If None, the result will be a grayscale image; if not None, map the intensity values to RGB colours through the selected colormap. hsv_interpolation : bool If `True`, perform colour interpolation in HSV space when using a custom colour map. window : (float, float) Tuple composed by a couple of minimum and maximum values for intensity windowing. Returns ------- sitk.Image A sitk.sitkUInt8 image containing the desired slice. """ if hsv_interpolation and 'skimage' not in sys.modules: raise Exception('extract_slice: skimage module is required to use hsv interpolation.') if window is not None: image = sitk.IntensityWindowing(image, *window, *window) if rescale: image = sitk.RescaleIntensity(image) size = list(image.GetSize()) if index is None: index = size[axis] // 2 size[axis] = 0 size = tuple(size) indices = tuple([index if i == axis else 0 for i in range(0, len(size))]) slice_image = sitk.Extract(image, size=size, index=indices) new_size = [int(x * dx) for x, dx in zip(slice_image.GetSize(), slice_image.GetSpacing())] slice_image.SetOrigin(tuple([0 for _ in new_size])) slice_image = sitk.Resample(slice_image, tuple(new_size)) slice_image.SetSpacing(tuple([1 for _ in new_size])) if isinstance(colormap, np.ndarray): colormap = colormap[colormap[:,0].argsort()] intensities = colormap[:,0] colours = colormap[:,1:] filler = (colours[0,:], colours[-1,:]) if hsv_interpolation: colours = skimage.color.rgb2hsv(colours[np.newaxis,:]).reshape(colours.shape) f = interpolate.interp1d(intensities, colours, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=filler) data = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(slice_image) data = f(data.flatten()).reshape([*data.shape, 3]) if hsv_interpolation: data = skimage.color.hsv2rgb(data) data = (255.0 * data).astype(np.uint8) slice_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data, isVector=True) elif colormap is not None: slice_image = sitk.Cast(sitk.RescaleIntensity(slice_image), sitk.sitkUInt8) slice_image = sitk.ScalarToRGBColormap(slice_image, colormap, useInputImageExtremaForScaling=False) return slice_image