Source code for disptools.displacements

import math
import os
import re
import sys
import threading
import warnings
from functools import reduce
from glob import glob
from typing import *

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import SimpleITK as sitk

from disptools import *
import disptools.drawing as drawing
import as io

import _disptools

[docs]def regularise(jacobian: sitk.Image, epsilon: float = 1e-5) -> sitk.Image: r""" Regularise the Jacobian, removing singularities. Given a 3D scalar image, replace all the entries that are smaller than `epsilon` with `epsilon`. Parameters ---------- jacobian : sitk.Image Input Jacobian map epsilon : float Lower threshold for the Jacobian. Returns ------- sitk.Image Thresholded Jacobian. """ jacobian = sitk.Cast(jacobian, sitk_float_type) if (3 != len(jacobian.GetSize())): raise Exception("Wrong jacobian dimensionality") # Object for the result result = sitk.Image(jacobian) # Call function from the underlying C library _disptools.regularise(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(result), epsilon) return result
[docs]def jacobian(field: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: r""" Compute the Jacobian map of a vector field. Parameters ---------- field : sitk.Image Input vector field. Returns ------- sitk.Image The Jacobian of the given vector field. """ field = sitk.Cast(field, sitk_vector_float_type) image = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(field) if 4 != len(image.shape) or 3 != image.shape[3]: raise Exception("Wrong input dimensionality") # Convert to the library's memory layout shape = image.shape[0:3] image_data = np.empty((3, *shape), dtype=np_float_type) image_data[0,:,:,:] = image[:,:,:,0] image_data[1,:,:,:] = image[:,:,:,1] image_data[2,:,:,:] = image[:,:,:,2] # Object for the result result = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np_float_type) # Call function from the underlying C library _disptools.jacobian(field.GetSpacing(), image_data, result) result = sitk.GetImageFromArray(result) result.CopyInformation(field) return result
# This function wraps the C call. def _displacement( image : sitk.Image, mask : sitk.Image = None, initial_guess : sitk.Image = None, epsilon : float = 9.99e-4, tolerance : float = 0.2, it_max : int = 50000, alpha : float = 1.2, beta : float = 0.5, gamma : float = .1, delta : float = 1e-3, zeta : float = 100.0, theta : float = 1e-6, iota : float = 1e-9, strict : bool = False, eta : float = 0.1, eta_max : float = 0.4, algorithm : str = 'gradient', gpu_id : int = -1, ): r""" Compute a displacement field that realises a prescribed Jacobian. .. note:: This function should not be called directly. Please use its wrapper `displacement'. Parameters --------- See the documentation for `displacement`. Returns ------- sitk.Image A displacement field whose Jacobian matches the input. """ jacobian = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image).astype(np_float_type, copy=True) if mask == None: # Default mask: whole image mask = np.ones(jacobian.shape, dtype=np.bool) else: # Get mask as numpy array of booleans mask = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask).astype(bool, copy=True) if mask.shape != jacobian.shape: raise Exception("The shapes of the Jacobian and the mask must agree") # Create objects for the result, initialise initial guess if initial_guess is not None: data = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(initial_guess) if data.shape[0:3] != jacobian.shape: raise Exception("The shapes of the Jacobian and the initial guess must agree") field_tmp = np.empty((3, *jacobian.shape), dtype=np_float_type) field_tmp[0,:,:,:] = data[:,:,:,0] field_tmp[1,:,:,:] = data[:,:,:,1] field_tmp[2,:,:,:] = data[:,:,:,2] else: field_tmp = np.zeros((3, *jacobian.shape), dtype=np_float_type) # Arguments args = [ image.GetSpacing(), jacobian, mask, epsilon, tolerance, eta, eta_max, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta, theta, iota, strict, it_max, field_tmp, algorithm, gpu_id, ] # Call the function in a separate thread # # The thread cannot actually be killed from the REPL while busy, but # at least this way the REPL can handle SIGINT. Using a process # instead of a thread would allow to kill the call, but it does not # work in the REPL, so there is no point. # # The real solution would be to put a signal handler inside the C # routines. There are resources to be freed before interrupting, and # they are shared betweeen OpenMP threads, so it requires to use a # termination flag inside the OpenMP sections. t = threading.Thread(target=_disptools.displacement, args=args, daemon=True) t.start() t.join() # Convert to ITK's image memory layout field = np.empty((*jacobian.shape, 3), dtype=np_float_type) field[:,:,:,0] = field_tmp[0,:,:,:] field[:,:,:,1] = field_tmp[1,:,:,:] field[:,:,:,2] = field_tmp[2,:,:,:] # Convert the result to match the input type field = sitk.GetImageFromArray(field) field.CopyInformation(image) return field
[docs]def redistribute_volume_change(image: sitk.Image, mask: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: r""" Redistribute the volume change over the image. Redistribute the change of volume within the body on the background, and enforce the total volume change over the entire image to be zero. Parameters ---------- image : sitk.Image Input Jacobian. mask : sitk.Image Binary mask of the body volume. Returns ------- sitk.Image A new Jacobian map with redistributed volume changes. """ data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) index = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask) correction = -(np.sum(data) - data.size) / (data.size - np.count_nonzero(index)) data[index == 0.0] += correction result = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data) result.CopyInformation(image) return result
# This function is a wrapper of `_displacement()` that adds padding/cropping # and handles the multi-resolution pyramid.
[docs]def displacement( jacobian : sitk.Image, *, levels : int = 1, pad : int = 0, redistribute : bool = False, mask : sitk.Image = None, initial_guess : sitk.Image = None, epsilon : float = 9.99e-4, tolerance : float = 0.2, it_max : Union[int, List[int]] = 50000, alpha : float = 1.2, beta : float = 0.5, gamma : float = 0.1, delta : float = 1e-3, zeta : float = 10.0, theta : float = 1e-6, iota : float = 1e-9, strict : bool = False, eta : float = 0.1, eta_max : float = 0.4, algorithm : str = 'gradient', gpu_id : int = -1, ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Generate a displacement field that realises a given Jacobian. Given a 3D scalar image encoding a Jacobian map, compute a 3D vector image encoding a vector field whose Jacobian map matches the input up to a certain tolerance. The three algorithms provided are: * ``gradient``: a gradient descent method (default). * ``greedy``: a greedy search method based on the method proposed in [1]_. * ``matching``: a volume matching routine based on gradient descent, published in [2]_ and [3]_. The implementation comes from the `atrophysim tool`_. The initial value of the step length in the gradient descent is given by the parameter ``eta``. The ``gradient`` and ``matching`` algorithms use an `Armijo condition`_ to control the step length, in the form .. math:: E(d - \eta \nabla E(d)) - E(d) \le -\gamma \eta ||\nabla E(d)||^2 where :math:`d` is the displacement, :math:`E` the loss function, :math:`\eta` the current step length, and :math:`\gamma \in (0, 1)` a parameter of the condition. At each iteration the step length is increased multiplying it by ``alpha``, and if the Armijo condition is not met after the update, ``eta`` is decreased multiplying it by ``beta`` until the truth of the inequality in the Armijo condition is restored. A maximum value for ``eta`` can be set through the parameter ``eta_max``. The ``gradient`` and ``matching`` algorithms have a regularisation term that penalises values of the Jacobian below a certain threshold, given by ``delta``. The importance of the regularisation term is controlled by the parameter ``zeta`` (set to ``0`` to have no regularisation). Termination is controlled by a condition on the improvement on the result and one on the step length. If the percentual improvement of the cost drops below the value given by ``theta``, the algorithm terminates. Termination happens also if the step length becomes smaller than ``iota``. .. _atrophysim tool: .. _Armijo condition: .. note:: The displacement is generally not accurate on image boundary voxels. .. note:: The C verbose output is written to `stdout`. If you want to capture it from within Python, the `wurlitzer package`_ might be helpful. .. warning:: This function calls a C routine which cannot be interrupted from the REPL. .. _wurlitzer package: References ---------- .. [1] van Eede, M. C., Scholz, J., Chakravarty, M. M., Henkelman, R. M., and Lerch, J. P. "Mapping registration sensitivity in MR mouse brain images." Neuroimage 82 (2013), 226–236. .. [2] Karaçali, B., and Davatzikos, C. "Estimating topology preserving and smooth displacement fields." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 23, 7 (2004), 868–880. .. [3] Karaçali, B., and Davatzikos, C. "Simulation of tissue atrophy using a topology preserving transformation model." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 25, 5 (2006), 649–652. Parameters ---------- jacobian : sitk.Image Input Jacobian. levels : int Number of levels in the multi-resolution pyramid; the size of the image along each direction is halven at each level. pad : int Thickness of the zero-padding around the volume (0 for the mask, 1.0 for the Jacobian) to be used during the computation. The padding is removed before returning the result. redistribute : bool Redistribute the volume change inside the mask to the background. mask : sitk.Image Binary mask for the region of interest. initial_guess : sitk.Image Initial estimation of the solution. The default is a null displacement field. epsilon : float A floating point value, representing the tolerance per voxel on the Jacobian of the resulting field. tolerance : float Tolerance on Jacobian outside the mask. it_max : Union[int, List[int]] Maximum number of iterations allowed. If it is a list, its length must match the number of levels in the multi-resolution pyramid, and each value is used for a single level, with the first element of the list representing the level with lowest resolution. If it is a scalar, then the same number of iterations is used for all pyramid levels. alpha : float Coefficient that controls the increase of the step length. beta : float Coefficient that controls the decrease of the step length. gamma : float Armijo-Goldstein parameter. delta : float Lower threshold for Jacobian regularisation. zeta : float Weight for the regularisation term. theta : float Terminate if the percentage improvement of the cost per iteration drops below this value. iota : float Terminate if the step length drops below this value. strict : bool If True, reject iterations that not decrease the maximum voxel error. eta : float Initial step length. eta_max : float Maximum step length allowed. algorithm : str Algorithm to generate the field, one of `greedy`, `gradient`, or `matching`. gpu_id : int Id of the CUDA device used to run the GPU implementation. If equal to `-1`, the CPU implementation is used instead. Requires a build of disptools with CUDA support enabled. Returns ------- sitk.Image A displacement field whose Jacobian matches the input. """ # Filter parameters used locally and parameters propagated to the # wrapped function parameters = locals().copy() used = ['jacobian', 'levels', 'pad', 'redistribute', 'mask', 'initial_guess', 'it_max'] [parameters.pop(p) for p in used] jacobian = sitk.Cast(jacobian, sitk_float_type) if mask is None: mask = np.ones(tuple(reversed(jacobian.GetSize())), dtype=np_float_type) mask = sitk.GetImageFromArray(mask) mask.CopyInformation(jacobian) else: mask = sitk.Cast(mask, sitk_float_type) size = jacobian.GetSize() origin = jacobian.GetOrigin() spacing = jacobian.GetSpacing() direction = jacobian.GetDirection() # Ensure consistency of the coordinate system def make_consistent(img, name, interpolator): if img is None: return img inconsitent = [] if img.GetSize() != size: inconsitent.append('size') if img.GetOrigin() != origin: inconsitent.append('origin') if img.GetSpacing() != spacing: inconsitent.append('spacing') if img.GetDirection() != direction: inconsitent.append('direction') if inconsitent != []: inconsitent = ' and '.join(inconsitent) warnings.warn("%s of '%s' " % (inconsitent, name) + "inconsistent with the Jacobian, " + "resampling to a common coordinate space") if interpolator != sitk.sitkNearestNeighbor: img = sitk.SmoothingRecursiveGaussian(img, 2.0) return sitk.Resample(img, jacobian, sitk.Transform(), interpolator) else: return img mask = make_consistent(mask, 'mask', sitk.sitkNearestNeighbor) initial_guess = make_consistent(initial_guess, 'initial_guess', sitk.sitkLinear) # Add a voxel of zero-flux padding anyway since the algorithm # will not compute the displacement field on boundary voxels if pad > 0: pad += 1 else: pad = 1 pad = ((pad, pad, pad), (pad, pad, pad)) if redistribute: jacobian = redistribute_volume_change(jacobian, mask) mask = sitk.ConstantPad(mask, *pad, 0) jacobian = sitk.ZeroFluxNeumannPad(jacobian, *pad) # Create image pyramid jacobian_pyramid = [jacobian] mask_pyramid = [mask] for i in range(1, levels): new_size = tuple(map(lambda x: x // 2, jacobian_pyramid[i-1].GetSize())) jacobian_pyramid.append(drawing.scale_image(jacobian, new_size)) mask_pyramid.append(drawing.scale_image(mask, new_size, sitk.sitkNearestNeighbor)) # Set maximum number of iterations for each pyramid level if not isinstance(it_max, list): it_max = [it_max for i in range(levels)] elif len(it_max) != levels: raise ValueError('len(it_max) should equal the value of `levels`') # Set initial guess field = initial_guess # Multi-resolution algorithm for jacobian, mask, it in zip(jacobian_pyramid[::-1], mask_pyramid[::-1], it_max): size = jacobian.GetSize()'Size %s' % str(size)) field = drawing.scale_image(field, size) if field is not None else None field = _displacement(jacobian, mask, initial_guess=field, it_max=it, **parameters) # Remove padding from the result field = sitk.Crop(field, *pad) field.SetOrigin(origin) field.SetSpacing(spacing) field.SetDirection(direction) return field
[docs]def average_jacobian_from_displacements(input_filenames_pattern: str, epsilon: float = 1e-5) -> sitk.Image: r""" Compute the average Jacobian of a set of displacement fields. This function reads a collection of displacement fields from files (``rvf`` or any other format readable by SimpleITK) and computes the average Jacobian of the deformation associated to them (defined as the geometric mean computed under logarithm). It accepts a string argument containing a `glob pattern`_ to the input displacement files, and a second optional argument setting a minimum threshold for the Jacobian. For instance, assuming there is a folder ``/home/user/my_displacements`` containing a set of displacement fields in ``vtk`` format, the average Jacobian can be computed with >>> average_jacobian = disptools.displacements.average_jacobian_from_displacements('/home/user/my_jacobians/*.vtk') The average Jacobian is defined as the geometric mean computed under logarithm. .. _glob pattern: Parameters ---------- input_filenames_pattern : str A glob pattern for the displacement files in RVF or another format readable by SimpleITK. epsilon : float Minimum threshold for the Jacobian, all values below `epsilon` will be replaced with `epsilon`. Returns ------- sitk.Image The average Jacobian of the given displacements. """ total_jacobian = None filenames = glob('%s' % input_filenames_pattern) n = len(filenames) logging.debug('Files to process: %d' % n) logging.debug('Starting') i = 1 for f in filenames: logging.debug('Processing file %3d/%d %s' % (i, n, f)) try: file_format = re.match(r'.*\.([^.]+)$', f).group(1) except: logging.debug('Skipping file %s' %i) continue if file_format == 'rvf': I = io.read_rvf(f) else: I = sitk.ReadImage(f) J = jacobian(I) J = regularise(J, epsilon) if total_jacobian is None: total_jacobian = np.zeros(tuple(reversed(I.GetSize())), dtype=np_float_type) total_jacobian += np.log(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(J)) i += 1 average_jacobian = np.exp(1.0/n * total_jacobian) output_jacobian = sitk.GetImageFromArray(average_jacobian) output_jacobian.CopyInformation(I) return output_jacobian
[docs]def average_jacobian(input_filenames_pattern: str, epsilon: float = 1e-5) -> sitk.Image: r""" Compute the average of a set of Jacobians. This function reads a collection of Jacobian maps from files (any format readable by SimpleITK) and computes their average Jacobian (defined as the geometric mean computed under logarithm). It accepts a string argument containing a `glob pattern`_ to the input files, and a second optional argument setting a minimum threshold for the Jacobian. For instance, assuming there is a folder ``/home/user/my_jacobians`` containing a set of Jacobian maps in ``vtk`` format, the average can be computed with >>> average_jacobian = disptools.displacements.average_jacobian('/home/user/my_jacobians/*.vtk') The average Jacobian is defined as the geometric mean computed under logarithm. .. _glob pattern: Parameters ---------- input_filenames_pattern : str A glob pattern for the displacement files in a format readable by SimpleITK. epsilon : float A lower threshold for the Jacobian, all values below `epsilon` will be replaced with `epsilon`. Returns ------- sitk.Image The geometric mean of the input Jacobian maps. """ total_jacobian = None filenames = glob('%s' % input_filenames_pattern) n = len(filenames) logging.debug('Files to process: %d' % n) logging.debug('Starting') i = 1 for f in filenames: logging.debug('Processing file %3d/%d %s' % (i, n, f)) image = sitk.Cast(sitk.ReadImage(f), sitk_float_type) image = sitk.Threshold(image, lower=epsilon, upper=1e9, outsideValue=epsilon) jacobian = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) if total_jacobian is None: total_jacobian = np.zeros(jacobian.shape, dtype=jacobian.dtype) total_jacobian += np.log(jacobian) i += 1 average_jacobian = np.exp(1.0/n * total_jacobian) output_jacobian = sitk.GetImageFromArray(average_jacobian) output_jacobian.CopyInformation(image) return output_jacobian
[docs]def jacobian_to_volume_change(jacobian: sitk.Image, epsilon: float = 1e-5) -> sitk.Image: r""" Convert a Jacobian map to a volume change map. A volume change map is defined as .. math:: VC[f](x) = \begin{cases} 1 - \frac{1}{J[f](x)} \quad &J[f](x) \in (0,1) \\ J[f](x) - 1 \quad &J[f](x) \ge 1 \end{cases} Parameters ---------- jacobian : sitk.Image Input Jacobian map. epsilon : float Lower threshold for the Jacobian; any value below `epsilon` will be replaced with `epsilon`. Returns ------- sitk.Image Volume change map associated to the input Jacobian. """ data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(jacobian) processed = np.empty(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) ind_expa = data >= 1.0 ind_comp = data < 1.0 ind_sing = data <= epsilon data[ind_sing] = epsilon processed[ind_expa] = data[ind_expa] - 1.0 processed[ind_comp] = 1.0 - (1.0 / data[ind_comp]) result = sitk.GetImageFromArray(processed) result.CopyInformation(jacobian) return result
[docs]def volume_change_to_jacobian(volume_change: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: r""" Convert a volume change map to a Jacobian map. A volume change map is defined as .. math:: VC[f](x) = \begin{cases} 1 - \frac{1}{J[f](x)} \quad &J[f](x) \in (0,1) \\ J[f](x) - 1 \quad &J[f](x) \ge 1 \end{cases} Parameters ---------- volume_change : sitk.Image Input volume change map. Returns ------- sitk.Image A Jacobian map associated to the input volume changes. """ data = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(volume_change) processed = np.empty(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) ind_expa = data >= 0.0 ind_comp = data < 0.0 processed[ind_expa] = data[ind_expa] + 1.0 processed[ind_comp] = -1.0 / (data[ind_comp] - 1.0) result = sitk.GetImageFromArray(processed) result.CopyInformation(volume_change) return result
[docs]def deformation_to_displacement(deformation: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: r""" Convert a deformation field to a displacement field. A deformation field :math:`D` is given by the sum of the identity transform and a displacement field :math:`d`: .. math:: D(x) = x + d(x) Parameters ---------- deformation : Input deformation field. Returns ------- sitk.Image Displacement field associated to the deformation. """ a = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(deformation) for x, y, z in np.ndindex(deformation.GetSize()): a[z,y,x,0] -= x a[z,y,x,1] -= y a[z,y,x,2] -= z displacement = sitk.GetImageFromArray(a) displacement.CopyInformation(deformation) return displacement
[docs]def compose_displacements(*fields: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: r""" Compose multiple displacement fields. Compute the composition pairwise and iteratively. For a couple of displacements :math:`d_1` and :math:`d_2` associated to the transforms :math:`f_1` and :math:`f_2`, the composition .. math:: (f_2 \circ f_1) (x) = f_2(f_1(x)) is obtained by resampling :math:`d_2` with :math:`d_1` and then summing. Parameters ---------- fields : sitk.Image Variadic list of displacement fields. Returns ------- sitk.Image The composition of the input displacement fields. """ fields = list(fields) total_field = sitk.Image(fields.pop(0)) for field in fields: resampled_field = sitk.Warp(field, total_field, outputSize=total_field.GetSize(), outputSpacing=total_field.GetSpacing(), outputOrigin=total_field.GetOrigin(), outputDirection=total_field.GetDirection()) resampled_field.CopyInformation(total_field) total_field = sitk.Add(total_field, resampled_field) return total_field
[docs]def decompose_displacements( field1: sitk.Image, field2: sitk.Image ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Decompose two displacement fields. Given two displacement fields :math:`d_1` and :math:`d_2` associated to the transforms :math:`f_1` and :math:`f_2`, find a third displacement :math:`d_3` associated to the transform :math:`f_3`, such that .. math:: f_1 &= f_3 \circ f_2 \\ d_1(x) &= d_2(x) + d_3(d_2(x)) Parameters ---------- field1 : sitk.Image Total displacement. field2 : sitk.Image Component to be decomposed from the total displacement. Returns ------- sitk.Image A vector image representing a displacement field such that its composition with the second argument gives the first argument. """ field3 = sitk.Warp(field1 - field2, sitk.InvertDisplacementField(field2), outputSize=field1.GetSize(), outputSpacing=field1.GetSpacing(), outputOrigin=field1.GetOrigin(), outputDirection=field1.GetDirection()) field3.CopyInformation(field1) return field3
[docs]def field_zero_padding( field : sitk.Image, size_x : Tuple[int,int] = (1,1), size_y : Tuple[int,int] = (1,1), size_z : Tuple[int,int] = (1,1) ) -> sitk.Image: r""" Add a zero padding to a vector field. Set the zero padding manually, since `sitk.ConstantPad()` does not support vector images. Parameters ---------- field : sitk.Image Input vector field. size_x : (int, int) Amount of padding at the beginning and end of x direction. size_y : (int, int) Amount of padding at the beginning and end of y direction. size_z : (int, int) Amount of padding at the beginning and end of z direction. Returns ------- sitk.Image A padded vector field. """ a = np.lib.pad(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(field), (size_x, size_y, size_z, (0,0)), 'constant', constant_values=0.0) field_pad = sitk.GetImageFromArray(a) field_pad.SetSpacing(field.GetSpacing()) field_pad.SetOrigin(field.GetOrigin()) field_pad.SetDirection(field.GetDirection()) return field_pad
[docs]def invert_displacement_padded(field: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: r""" Invert a displacement field using one voxel of padding in the computation. Parameters ---------- field : sitk.Image Input displacement field. Returns ------- sitk.Image The inverse of the displacement, computed under padding. """ inverse = sitk.InvertDisplacementField(field_zero_padding(field)) inverse = sitk.Crop(inverse, (1,1,1), (1,1,1)) inverse.CopyInformation(field) return inverse
[docs]def warp_points_by_displacement( points : np.ndarray, displacement : sitk.Image ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Warp a set of Elastix points by a displacement field. Parameters ---------- points : np.ndarray A :math:`n \times m` array representing :math:`n` points with :math:`m` components. displacement : sitk.Image Displacement field. Returns ------- np.ndarray An array representing the warped points. """ data = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(displacement) (ox, oy, oz) = displacement.GetOrigin() (nx, ny, nz) = displacement.GetSize() (sx, sy, sz) = displacement.GetSpacing() x = np.linspace(ox, (nx-1) * sx, nx) y = np.linspace(oy, (ny-1) * sy, ny) z = np.linspace(oz, (nz-1) * sz, nz) # NOTE: ITK images are indexed as [z,y,x] f = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((z, y, x), data, bounds_error=False) p = np.empty(points.shape) p[:,0] = points[:,2] p[:,1] = points[:,1] p[:,2] = points[:,0] return points + f(p)
[docs]def inverse_consistency_error( forward : sitk.Image, backward : sitk.Image, mask : sitk.Image = None ) -> Tuple[sitk.Image, float, float]: r""" Compute the inverse consistency error (ICE). Parameters ---------- forward : sitk.Image A displacement from the registration (maps from reference space to moving image space). backward : sitk.Image A displacement from the inverse registration (maps from moving image space to reference space) mask : sitk.Image ROI in the reference image space Returns ------- sitk.Image Map of the average inverse consistency error magnitude. float Average inverse consistency error. float Maximum inverse consistency error. """ composition = compose_displacements(forward, backward) if mask is not None: composition = sitk.Mask(composition, mask > 0) n = np.sum(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(mask) > 0) else: n = reduce(int.__mul__, forward.GetSize()) vme = np.linalg.norm(sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(composition), axis=3) ic = sitk.GetImageFromArray(vme) ic.CopyInformation(forward) aic = np.sum(vme) / n mic = np.max(vme) return ic, aic, mic